After more months than I care to mention, my studio is finally done! It's always difficult finding the time to do things from Nov-May as these are the busiest months of the year for my job. It's nice having the extra time now because it means that all of these unfinished projects are finally going to get done! There are still a few more things that I'd like to get done in the studio, but overall it's a VAST improvement! It's going to be really nice to finally have this space as a usable studio again.
Everything is nicely labeled and while I got rid of most of my extraneous stuff I had to keep a few fun knick knacks and odds and ends to keep my studio true to myself. It was interesting to discover which pieces of artwork were oddly easy to get rid of while other things that I thought would be easy ended up being the hard, and sometimes impossible, ones. I think that we learn a lot about ourselves during these times of purging. It becomes a time to reevaluate ourselves and our lives.