Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Falling Beautifully

I was recently able to spend some time in North Carolina. It was wonderful getting away from the stress of my daily life and spend a moment being awed and inspired instead. My family and I were heading to North Carolina to spend time with my little sister and her beautiful daughter who was celebrating her first birthday. In the end, we accidentally timed it perfectly to see fall in all of it's glory. It has been a long time since I've been able to see fall at it's peak and I was so amazingly happy to get to see it this year. I really felt like I needed to see this. It's simply awe inspiring how gorgeous nature, and life in general, can be.

Here are some pictures from my trip. Enjoy!

                                           Happy Birthday Coralie!


  1. I always feel that pictures never do justice. These are beautiful photos, I can't imagine what it was like to see everything in person. :)

  2. Thanks for sharing. After many years of living in Florida, I've almost forgotten how beautiful this season is. Love the chocolate face too...she is a keeper! Happy #1 Coralie
